Vegetable Soup – so easy, so good! 

This soup has no oil, no fats, no meat and there will be none left!  So, make a large amount.

I find soups easily become broths when too much water is added.  It’s still a good soup, but it can be a little thin.  So, put loads of veggies into this soup and limit your water quantity so the flavour is richer and the soup is more of a meal than a soup.   

A little crusty bread goes a long way.


1 x onion, diced

1 x potato, diced

2 x stems of celery, chopped into soup sizes

2 carrots, diced

3 x sprigs spring onion

1 x handful of Continental parsley, chopped

5 cloves garlic

4-6 cups hot water

2 x teaspoons Massel powdered chicken stock

A sprinkle of cracked pepper

A good pinch of Murray River Pink salt

In a large stovetop pot on medium heat place all the veggies.  No oil, no butter.  Gently stir them around a dry pot for about five minutes.  The veggies will soften very quickly.

Now add two cups of (hot) water, powdered stock, salt and pepper.  Stir it about.  Now add another 2-4 cups boiling water, bring to the boil.  Once boiling, put the lid on, turn the heat down to the lowest possible setting and leave for one hour.

Remember, low and slow brings out the best flavours.

Serve with crusty bread.  Very awesome

Stay well, stay safe.

Kind regards,
